6 weeks to 12 months
We recognize how vital quality purposeful interactions are between infants and their caregivers in establishing critical brain connections in the first weeks and years of life. At The Kids Bay Learning Center, we design all of our activities to stimulate this essential stage of brain development.
Our Infant Program consists of caregivers making one-on-one eye contact with each baby, singing, reading, reciting nursery rhymes, playing at baby’s level, and talking about what the child is experiencing throughout the day.
Each infant has the opportunity to explore the outdoor play yard during stroller walks as they enjoy listening to wind chimes and birds chirping. We fill everyday with genuine loving interactions between caregivers and infants. Schedule a visit to see our infant room.
12 to 24 months
Our Toddler Program fosters quality one-on-one interactions between caregivers and each child. Learning expands to more specific activities centered around the areas of language and literature; music and dance; art and sensory; and math and science. We post a lesson plan in the classroom each day to keep parents well-informed about the various daily activities.
Toddlers enjoy outside playtime in the morning and again in the afternoon. Our toddler room is comforting and engaging; schedule a visit to see.

2 years old
Two is an exciting developmental stage as children become more verbal and physically active. Our Twos Program incorporates weekly themes to teach children about the world around them. One week the class may be learning about insects by taking a walk with magnifying glasses on our center’s hiking trail while another week may construct a ship as they learn about sailing and boats.
Every day is a new adventure, singing songs, completing puzzles, creating beautiful works of art, and learning to get along with friends.
Through group time discussions and hands-on activities, children increase their verbal and fine motor skills, as well as cognitive understanding. You will be impressed by how much your two-year-old will learn, so don’t be surprised if soon you hear yourself saying, “How does he/she know that?”
At this stage, many children are ready to give up their diapers. We are happy to assist with potty-training when you and your child are ready. Schedule a visit for more details about our Twos Program.
3 to 4 years old
Our Pre-K (pre-kindergarten) Program focuses on kindergarten-readiness using the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pre-K Curriculum to help children explore and grow in the areas of language, math, writing, art, dramatic play, music, science, blocks and construction, computers, and sensory exploration.
Through this structured curriculum, children will begin to understand and identify letters and numbers. They will develop a love of reading and a desire to communicate through writing as a result of exposure to quality children’s literature, storytelling, and puppetry. Children learn to hold a pencil and use child scissors while developing their fine motor skills.
They are also introduced to beginning math concepts to include number recognition and counting, sorting, graphing, and matching. Children form friendships as they increase their social skills and problem-solving abilities. Our outside environment helps children develop physically by providing ample space to run, climb, ride tricycles, and use their imaginations.
The Kids Bay Learning Center’s Pre-K Program prepares children for our Junior Kindergarten Program or entry into public or private school kindergarten programs. We invite you to see this curriculum in action.

Junior Kindergarten
5 years old
The Kids Bay Learning Center offers a junior kindergarten program as an excellent option for children who either miss their state’s age requirement for kindergarten enrollment or whose parents prefer their children to have an additional year of kindergarten preparation before advancing to a formal private or public school. This program is intended for children who have already had one or two years of Pre-K and who are ready for an advanced level of academics.
The curriculum for our Junior Kindergarten Program is "Journeys" by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The skill level follows California State Standards for kindergarten and includes phonetic awareness, language and literacy, math, social studies, science, technology, and the arts.
Enrollment in our Junior Kindergarten Program comes with the expectation that children will then attend a year of kindergarten upon completion of this program. For more specific information on entrance requirements or content details, please contact a member of our management team at snichols@thekidsbay.com
Enrichment Classes
The Kids Bay Learning Center provides additional enrichment opportunities through various on-site vendors. Classes include:
• Hip Hop Dance Class
• Fun Time Sports
• Yoga
• Artist Lab
For additional details please contact a member of our management team at
snichols@thekidsbay.com, scarr@thekidsbay.com, or jrowe@thekidsbay.com